Analyzing the results

Knowing what the effort, time, and money you put into your marketing campaign is producing is an important part of business, and it is an important part of our business as well. We can use a number of Marketing Analytics to track and monitor your campaign’s health. Some of those measurements are the bounce back rate, open rate, and click through and unsubscribe rates. 

Bounce Rate

A bounce is what happens when an email address can not be verified. There are a number of reasons this might happen, the most common being a deleted email address. Our data bases are cleaned and verified in real time, so the bounce back rate will be extremely low, if you have any at all.

Open Rate

Just because you send an email, does not mean that the person receiving it will open it. We can track the open rate. The more creative and thorough your campaign is, the better we can understand what is working, and what is not.

Click Through

– Opening the email is one thing, the goal is ultimately the click through. This is when the receiver opens your website, signs up for your news letter, fills a donation form out, what ever your goal, this is our goal for the campaign too.